The Ghost Grim Deck is relentless in its barrage of indirect damage. Damage enemy Grim based on every aspect of the game, from the number of cards in your enemy's hand, to attached Bond Cards, to remaining Banished. Your opponent will be so focused on minimizing the constant prods and pokes of these ghouls that they'll hardly have time to position for their own win condition. And while you torment your foe, resurrect your Grim by drawing from Limbo. Finally, inflict the Curse Status to ensure that you land Strong Attacks when you need them most. All Grim have a close association with death and its many facets, but none have as much a mastery over it as the Ghost Grim. 


  • When using this Grim’s Passive, you must reveal the card if you have drawn a Spirit. Otherwise, you do not need to reveal the drawn card. "Before its Action" is always used to denote any time during the Grim's Turn before an Action is declared. If you're forced to re-declare an Action due to a Reaction, this does not count as you have already entered the Action step.

  • When using BURY, remember that each is a declared Attack. If your Opponent chooses to use a Reaction, they must declare which Grim is reacting, and the Reaction will only apply to that declared Attack (except for Paralysis, which pushes the entire Action to the Paralysis Phase, or Freeze, which prevents the declaration in the first place, or anything that otherwise Hinders the Attack). If you are Burned or Feared prior to declaring your Attack, you decide which is the "first" declared Attack of the two.

    This Grim’s Passive is not a Reaction, it is a separate mechanic that can be used in addition to a Reaction when an Attack is declared on it.

  • When using SHADOWBOLT, note that you must pay the Stamina required for the additional Attack (as is always the case unless express text says you do not need to expend Stamina for an Attack).

    When using this Grim’s Passive, note that it triggers upon declaration, meaning a Grim can be knocked out at the declaration step.

  • When using this Grim’s Passive, you must reveal the card if you have drawn a Grim. Otherwise, you do not need to reveal the drawn card. The wording "before its Action" is always used to denote any time during the Grim's Turn but before an Action is declared. If you're forced to re-declare an Action due to a Reaction, this does not count as you have already entered the Action step.

  • When using LEAFBLADES, you must reveal the card if you have drawn a Grim. Otherwise, you do not need to reveal the drawn card.

    This Grim’s Passive only triggers when an attached Element is discarded, not when it is bounced back to hand via Root or another mechanic, and not when an Element is re-attached to a different Grim.

  • When triggering this Grim’s Passive, note that it applies to each draw, meaning each card drawn from Limbo. Also note that a search is not a draw.

  • The SUPERNOVA Synergy Effect bypasses all Elemental interactions. However, note that THE POISON RAPTURE will trump this mechanic.

    When using VOIDPULSE, recall that "revive" means to remove it from discard and place it into the Afterworld deck, not to replace the current Afterworld.

    Note that this Grim’s Passive adds damage based on Bond Cards. This value may be increased as a result of a Reaction that attaches an Element (always calculate damage at the resolution step.

  • When using NECROMANCE note that THE LIFE BLOOD will gain Stamina when stealing it, so any mechanics that affect Stamina gains will apply.

    Regarding this Grim’s Passive, "before its Action" is always used to denote any time during the Grim's Turn but before an Action is declared. If you're forced to re-declare an Action due to a Reaction, this does not count as you have already entered the Action step.

  • When using HELLSTORM, you must have the Stamina available to declare Synergy, but do not need to spend it until you calculate and apply damage. If you lose sufficient Stamina in the meantime, your Attack will simply resolve without Synergy, which you may recall does not Hinder the Attack.

    When using DEMONCALL, you must reveal the Elements that you are discarding to prove that they are Elements.

    When using this Grim's Passive, to the extent that damage is dealt upon Status infliction, this Grim (or its Ally) takes the damage first as they are inflicted first.

  • When using SPOOK, remember to reveal the Spirit drawn to trigger the effect. If you do not draw a Spirit, you do not need to reveal the drawn card.

    When using SHEETSHINE and targeting two Grim, if one is Cursed and the other is not, the effects will resolve differently.



Dark Deck


Psychic Deck