The Plant Grim Deck wins the war of attrition. This deck is full of expert healers capable of restoring Health and curing Status. Leave your Opponent pounding the table when you brush off powerful blows and recover Turn after Turn, ready to chip away more and more. But the Plant Deck is not purely benevolent; there is a malicious side to these Grim. Hold your Spirits close while these conniving sprites are about, as they'll steal them from you and use them to their own benefit. Their Root Status can also be used to force attached cards back to an opposing player's hand, thus thwarting any plans for a Spirit Bonus on the other side. 


  • The DEVOUR Synergy Effect does not stack with the Dark Spirit Bonus, it is redundant of the same mechanic, so effectively a Dark Spirit Bonus would be ineffective if the conditions for this Attack (a Knockout and a Strong Attack) are already fulfilled.

    This Grim's Passive will trigger twice if its Ally lands an Attack that targets both enemy Grim because each is a declared Attack. Note that this Heal occurs at the “land” step, which is before damage resolves on the Target(s).

  • This Grim's WILLOWISP Synergy Effect will stack with the Dark Spirit Bonus. However, it will only apply to one of the Knockouts, as the Dark Spirit Bonus only applies to the “next” (singular) Knockout in a Round.

    When using SEEDBOMB, if the Ally is currently Paralyzed from a Reaction on its Attack, remember to resolve that Attack immediately upon clearing the Status.

    When calculating this Grim's Passive, be sure to consider the calculated damage as a Weak Attack, which subtracts two damage. Note that this Grim’s Passive does not prevent Synergy.

  • When using PHOTOSYNTH, recall that Synergy Effects trigger after the damage resolves. In the case that a Synergy Effect modifies calculated Attack damage directly, like with PHOTOSYNTH, ensure that the Attack will land first (wait for Reaction), then reveal the hand and calculate damage.

    Using this Grim’s Passive, you may steal one Spirit from each enemy Grim or both from one enemy Grim.

  • This Grim’s Passive triggers when an Attack “lands,” meaning before damage resolves but after any Reaction. Remember to apply the whole of calculated damage, not just the actual damage done.

  • When using MINDROOT, if both enemy Grim are Cured of a Status, they both take damage. If a Grim is currently Paralyzed from a Reaction on its Attack, remember to resolve that Attack immediately upon clearing the Status.

    When using CHLOROBLAST, be sure to discard any currently attached Element if the new Element replaces it.

    When using this Grim’s Passive, recall that the wording "before its Action" is always used to denote any time during the Grim's Turn but before an Action is declared. If you're forced to re-declare an Action due to a Reaction, this does not count as you have already entered the Action step. “After its Action” means any time after the Action and any effect resulting from it also resolves (i.e., at the end of its Turn).

  • When using CRYSTALVINE, note that it says “each Target,” so if this Attack lands on both enemy Grim, the Ally will Heal twice, and each is a separate Heal effect.

    When using this Grim’s Passive, “after its Action” means any time after the Action and any effect resulting from it also resolves (i.e., at the end of its Turn).

  • When using THORNPECK, recall that "revive" means to remove it from discard and place it into the Afterworld deck, not to replace the current Afterworld.

    When using this Grim’s “end of Round” Passive, be sure to trigger it in Speed order (fastest to slowest) with any other Round’s end effects. Remember that "end of Round" mechanics still happen within the Round, so the Afterworld currently active at the end of a Round may impact this effect (e.g., THE LIGHT KINGDOM may prevent the Swap).

  • When using this Grim’s “end of Round” Passive, be sure to trigger it in Speed order (fastest to slowest) with any other Round’s end effects. Remember that "end of Round" mechanics still happen within the Round, so the Afterworld currently active at the end of a Round may impact the "end of Round" Heal. Specifically, THE PLANT PARADISE will increase it and THE EARTH HAVEN will reduce it.

  • When using PISTIL, recall that Synergy Effects only trigger once even when the Attack targets both enemy Grim, so if you secure 2 Knockouts, you still only Heal once.

    When using TEMPLASH, remember that each is a declared Attack. If your Opponent chooses to use a Reaction, they must declare which Grim is reacting, and the Reaction will only apply to that declared Attack (except for Paralysis, which pushes the entire Action to the Paralysis Phase, or Freeze, which prevents the declaration in the first place, or anything that otherwise Hinders the Attack). If you are Burned or Feared prior to declaring your Attack, you decide which is the "first" declared Attack of the two.

  • When using SHADOWBIND, if the drawn card is not a Grim, you are not required to reveal the drawn card. If it is, it must be revealed. This Synergy Effect does not say “you may,” so if you declare it, you must trigger it.

    When using WALLOP, you must reveal the Spirit that you have searched for to prove that it is a Spirit.

    This Grim’s Passive applies to all Heal instances for both it and its Ally. Be sure to notice of multiple Heals occur at once where each would enjoy a value buff.



Fire Deck


Earth Deck